
  • 1 Onion (brown or red)
  • 2 to 3 Tablespoons oil (sunflower/canola/olive)
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Juice from a quarter of a lemon (trust me)

Optional Extras:

  • Half a Leek
  • Oregano
  • (basically any spices you like, actually)


  1. To slice the onion, cut off the top and bottom, peel off the bad outer layers, cut it in half from top to bottom, then slice it as thinly as you can from the top to the bottom of each half.
  2. Put the oil and onion in a pan at the same time, this allows the onion to heat up with the oil instead of just putting onion into hot oil (which would crisp it, if you like that)
  3. stir it around making sure all the onion separates into individual half-circle "strands" 
  4. keep stirring regularly until most of the onion is more transparent than raw onion and each "strand" is flexible like cooked spaghetti.
  5. At this point add the salt, pepper and lemon juice (and optional extras)
  6. Keep stirring regularly to make sure no onion is burning to the bottom of the pan.
  7. Take off when the onion is golden brown (or your desired caramel state)

Hint: Be patient, it may take longer than you want but I promise you, it's worth it.